Friday, December 4, 2009


This morning's gold move, due to the 'so-called' lowered unemployment statistic
(totally false and engineered by the government to calm the restless masses)
caused problems for me with my accounts.

So I didn't have time to post any charts until now as I was busy moving funds
between agencies and everyone is getting slammed because of this market.
This should put you on alert as to how things will be when the markets go
crazy on a regular basis...if they can even stay open during a crash.

Have your cash gold IN YOUR POSSESSION, and enough paper money to
transact necessary business for at least two months, as access to your assets
could be eliminated by a bank holiday or Martial Law being instituted at the
drop of a hat.

There are rumors of our money being exchanged for NEW CURRENCY some time
in January 2010 which will reduce your assets by TWO THIRDS. (ONE 'new' money(s)
for THREE 'old' money(s)

Gold will be right back up as soon as some degree of logic returns to the gold market,
hopefully today.

I will post a few charts today, but am very tired and need to do some outside
work today before snow arrives soon. We are going into single digit temperatures
for the next week and I will be going into hibernation mode with the bears.

Keep your wits about you and don't be distracted by these governmental shenanigans,
as they will become more aburd with each coming day.